Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Contemplations on Writing

Today our day was about writing. We were lucky enough to be able to attend a workshop lead by @GeorgiaHeard1. I feel kind of foolish saying that I hadn’t heard of Georgia Heard before this week. (Sorry Georgia!) She is a wonderfully sensitive and thought provoking poet and writer.

I have never thought of myself as a writer and I haven’t ever just sat down to write, like many of the teachers in my class. Georgia led us through this workshop which she calls “Heart Mapping". This is when you write what is on your heart inside a heart shape. It can be about many things, but today’s Heart Map was about writing. What is on your heart? What speaks to your heart? What started you on your writing journey? Who is your favorite author? Genre? This was an exercise to help us find what was in us so that we could have authentic writing, but to also show us how to bring that out in our students.

I was uncomfortable with this exercise because I don’t write often, but it also made me think about what I would write about if I did want to write.  It also gave me more compassion for those students who say they "can't write".

I have also fallen in love with Georgia’s book, Finding the Heart of Nonfiction: Teaching 7 Essential Craft Tools with Mentor Texts. I didn’t know that I have been looking for this book for years!! As a librarian, this book will help me support the ELA teachers, but will also help me find mentor texts for our library collection and not be afraid to add picture books to our collection.

I love non-fiction and I believe it is an under-used and under-read genre. I feel as though it is my mission to get non-fiction into the classes and hands of the students at my school.

Thank you, Georgia! I am a fan for life!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Susan, this blog post warms my heart. I'm so grateful you have found Georgia's work and were able to hear her brilliance! Finding the Heart of Nonfiction has been so helpful for me as a librarian as well...
